Apache Hive : WebHCat Reference Pig

Pig Job — POST pig


Create and queue a Pig job.




Name Description Required? Default
execute String containing an entire, short Pig program to run. One of either “execute” or “file” is required. None
file HDFS file name of a Pig program to run. One of either “execute” or “file” is required. None
arg Set a program argument. If -useHCatalog is included, then usehcatalog is interpreted as “true” (Hive 0.13.0 and later). Optional None
files Comma separated files to be copied to the map reduce cluster. Optional None
statusdir A directory where WebHCat will write the status of the Pig job. If provided, it is the caller’s responsibility to remove this directory when done. Optional None
enablelog If statusdir is set and enablelog is “true”, collect Hadoop job configuration and logs into a directory named $statusdir/logs after the job finishes. Both completed and failed attempts are logged. The layout of subdirectories in $statusdir/logs is: logs/$job_id (directory for $job_id) logs/$job_id/job.xml.html logs/$job_id/$attempt_id (directory for $attempt_id) logs/$job_id/$attempt_id/stderr logs/$job_id/$attempt_id/stdout logs/$job_id/$attempt_id/syslog This parameter was introduced in Hive 0.12.0. (See HIVE-4531.) Optional in Hive 0.12.0+ None
callback Define a URL to be called upon job completion. You may embed a specific job ID into this URL using $jobId. This tag will be replaced in the callback URL with this job’s job ID. Optional None
usehcatalog Specify that the submitted job uses HCatalog and therefore needs to access the metastore, which requires additional steps for WebHCat to perform in a secure cluster. (See HIVE-5133.) This parameter will be introduced in Hive 0.13.0. It can also be set to “true” by including -useHCatalog in the arg parameter. Also, if webhcat-site.xml defines the parameters templeton.hive.archive, templeton.hive.home and templeton.hcat.home then WebHCat will ship the Hive tar to the target node where the job runs. (See HIVE-5547.) This means that Hive doesn’t need to be installed on every node in the Hadoop cluster. It does not ensure that Pig is installed on the target node in the cluster. This is independent of security, but improves manageability. The webhcat-site.xml parameters are documented in webhcat-default.xml. Optional in Hive 0.13.0+ false

The standard parameters are also supported.


Name Description
id A string containing the job ID similar to “job_201110132141_0001”.
info A JSON object containing the information returned when the job was queued. See the Hadoop documentation (Class TaskController) for more information.


Code and Data Setup

% cat id.pig
A = load 'passwd' using PigStorage(':');
B = foreach A generate $0 as id;
dump B;

% cat fake-passwd
ctdean:Chris Dean:secret
pauls:Paul Stolorz:good
carmas:Carlos Armas:evil
dra:Deirdre McClure:marvelous

% hadoop fs -put id.pig .
% hadoop fs -put fake-passwd passwd

Curl Command

% curl -s -d file=id.pig \
       -d arg=-v \

Version information

Prior to Hive 0.13.0, user.name was specified in POST requests as a form parameter: curl -d user.name=*<user>*.

In Hive 0.13.0 onward, user.name should be specified in the query string (as shown above): 'http://.../templeton/v1/pig?user.name=*<name>*'. Specifying user.name as a form parameter is deprecated.

JSON Output

 "id": "job\_201111101627\_0018",
 "info": {
          "stdout": "templeton-job-id:job\_201111101627\_0018
          "stderr": "",
          "exitcode": 0

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