Apache Hive : WebHCat Reference MapReduceJar
MapReduce Job — POST mapreduce/jar
Creates and queues a standard Hadoop MapReduce job.
Version: Hive 0.13.0 and later
As of Hive 0.13.0, GET version/hadoop displays the Hadoop version used for the MapReduce job.
Name | Description | Required? | Default |
jar | Name of the jar file for Map Reduce to use. | Required | None |
class | Name of the class for Map Reduce to use. | Required | None |
libjars | Comma separated jar files to include in the classpath. | Optional | None |
files | Comma separated files to be copied to the map reduce cluster. | Optional | None |
arg | Set a program argument. | Optional | None |
define | Set a Hadoop configuration variable using the syntax define=NAME=VALUE |
Optional | None |
statusdir | A directory where WebHCat will write the status of the Map Reduce job. If provided, it is the caller’s responsibility to remove this directory when done. | Optional | None |
enablelog | If statusdir is set and enablelog is “true”, collect Hadoop job configuration and logs into a directory named $statusdir/logs after the job finishes. Both completed and failed attempts are logged. The layout of subdirectories in $statusdir/logs is: logs/$job_id (directory for $job_id) logs/$job_id/job.xml.html logs/$job_id/$attempt_id (directory for $attempt_id) logs/$job_id/$attempt_id/stderr logs/$job_id/$attempt_id/stdout logs/$job_id/$attempt_id/syslog This parameter was introduced in Hive 0.12.0. (See HIVE-4531.) |
Optional in Hive 0.12.0+ | None |
callback | Define a URL to be called upon job completion. You may embed a specific job ID into this URL using $jobId . This tag will be replaced in the callback URL with this job’s job ID. |
Optional | None |
usehcatalog | Specify that the submitted job uses HCatalog and therefore needs to access the metastore, which requires additional steps for WebHCat to perform in a secure cluster. (See HIVE-5133.) This parameter will be introduced in Hive 0.13.0. Also, if webhcat-site.xml defines the parameters templeton.hive.archive , templeton.hive.home and templeton.hcat.home then WebHCat will ship the Hive tar to the target node where the job runs. (See HIVE-5547.) This means that Hive doesn’t need to be installed on every node in the Hadoop cluster. This is independent of security, but improves manageability. The webhcat-site.xml parameters are documented in webhcat-default.xml. |
Optional in Hive 0.13.0+ | false |
The standard parameters are also supported.
Name | Description |
id | A string containing the job ID similar to “job_201110132141_0001”. |
info | A JSON object containing the information returned when the job was queued. See the Hadoop documentation (Class TaskController ) for more information. |
Code and Data Setup
% hadoop fs -put wordcount.jar .
% hadoop fs -put transform.jar .
% hadoop fs -ls .
Found 2 items
-rw-r--r-- 1 ctdean supergroup 23 2011-11-11 13:29 /user/ctdean/wordcount.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 ctdean supergroup 28 2011-11-11 13:29 /user/ctdean/transform.jar
Curl Command
% curl -s -d jar=wordcount.jar \
-d class=org.myorg.WordCount \
-d libjars=transform.jar \
-d arg=wordcount/input \
-d arg=wordcount/output \
Version information
Prior to Hive 0.13.0, user.name was specified in POST requests as a form parameter: curl -d user.name=*<user>*
In Hive 0.13.0 onward, user.name should be specified in the query string (as shown above): 'http://.../templeton/v1/mapreduce/jar?user.name=*<name>*'
. Specifying user.name as a form parameter is deprecated.
JSON Output
"id": "job_201111121211_0001",
"info": {
"stdout": "templeton-job-id:job_201111121211_0001
"stderr": "",
"exitcode": 0
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