Apache Hive : Presentations
- Hive Meetups
- January 2016 Hive User Group Meetup
- November 2015 Hive Contributor Meetup
- April 2015 Hive Contributor Meetup Presentations
- February 2015 Hive User Meetup Presentation
- November 2013 Hive Contributors Meetup Presentations
- June 2013 Hadoop Summit Hive Meetup Presentations
- February 2013 Hive User Group Meetup
- June 2012 Hadoop Summit Hive Meetup Presentations
- November 2011 NYC Hive Meetup Presentations
- Older Hive Presentations
- Related Work
Hive Meetups
January 2016 Hive User Group Meetup
- attachments/27362054/61337098-pptx
- attachments/27362054/61337312-ppsx
- attachments/27362054/61337398-ppsx
- Hive on Spark: now and future - Xuefu Zhang
November 2015 Hive Contributor Meetup
- attachments/27362054/61329032-pptx
- attachments/27362054/61329033-pptx
- attachments/27362054/61329034-pptx
- attachments/27362054/61329036-pptx
- attachments/27362054/61329038-pptx
- attachments/27362054/61329039.pdf
- attachments/27362054/61329040-pptx
- attachments/27362054/61329311-ppsx
April 2015 Hive Contributor Meetup Presentations
- SQLLine - The tale of the twins that everyone loved too much – Julian Hyde
- attachments/27362054/56131586.pdf
- attachments/27362054/55476525-pptx
- attachments/27362054/55476526-pptx
February 2015 Hive User Meetup Presentation
- attachments/27362054/52036008-pptx (Szehon Ho)
- attachments/27362054/52036063.pdf (Ryan Desmond)
November 2013 Hive Contributors Meetup Presentations
- attachments/27362054/35193152-pptx (Edward Capriolo)
- attachments/27362054/35193150-pptx (Gunther Hagleitner)
- attachments/27362054/35193153-pptx (Thejas Nair)
- attachments/27362054/35193154-pptx (Owen O’Malley)
- Apache Sentry (Brock Noland)
- attachments/27362054/35193151-pptx (John Pullokkaran)
- attachments/27362054/35193149-pptx (Ashutosh Chauhan)
June 2013 Hadoop Summit Hive Meetup Presentations
- Hive Correlation Optimizer (Yin Huai)
February 2013 Hive User Group Meetup
- attachments/27362054/30966692.pdf (Aaron Sun)
- attachments/27362054/30966693.pdf (Jerome Banks)
- attachments/27362054/30966691.pdf (Prasad Mujumdar)
- Case Study: Utilizing Windowing and Partitioned Table Functions with Hive (Murtaza Doctor)
- attachments/27362054/30966880.pdf (Ashutosh Chauhan)
June 2012 Hadoop Summit Hive Meetup Presentations
- attachments/27362054/28017805.pdf (Ashutosh Chauhan, Hortonworks)
- attachments/27362054/28017803.pdf (Carl Steinbach, Cloudera)
- attachments/27362054/28017802.pdf (Shreepadma Venugopalan, Cloudera)
- attachments/27362054/28017801.pdf (Alan Gates, Hortonworks)
- attachments/27362054/28017807.pdf (Viral Bajaria, Hulu)
November 2011 NYC Hive Meetup Presentations
- attachments/27362054/28016834.pdf (Edward Capriolo, Media 6 Degrees)
- HAWK: Performance Monitoring for Hive (JunHo Cho, NexR)
- RHive: Integrating R and Hive (JunHo Cho, NexR)
- attachments/27362054/28016835.pdf (Jim Falgout, Pervasive Software)
- attachments/27362054/28016838.pdf (Bennie Schut, eBuddy)
Older Hive Presentations
- High Volume Updates in Hive from 2012 Hadoop Summit (Owen O’Malley)
- attachments/27362054/28016657.pdf from the 2011 Hadoop Summit (Liyin Tang, Namit Jain)
- Replacing an Oracle DB/DW with Hadoop/Hive from the 2011 Hadoop Summit Hive Contributor Meeting (JunHo Cho, NexR)
- RCFile Paper at ICDE 2011, Hannover, Germany (Yongqiang He (Facebook), Rubao Lee (OSU), Yin Huai (OSU), Zheng Shao (Facebook), Namit Jain (Facebook), Xiaodong Zhang (OSU), Zhiwei Xu (ICT, CAS))
- Join Optimization in Hive (Liyin Tang, Facebook)
- Hive Presentation at ApacheCon NA 2010 (John Sichi, Facebook)
- Using Hadoop and Hive to Optimize Travel Search (Jonathan Seidman and Ramesh Venkataramaiah, Orbitz)
- HBase Meetup HUG10 - Hive/HBase Integration (John Sichi, Facebook)
- Hive User Group Presentation - Hive Quick Start Tutorial (Carl Steinbach, Cloudera)
- Hive User Group Presentation - New Features and APIs from Facebook (Ning Zhang, Yongqiang He, Namit Jain, John Sichi, Paul Yang, Zheng Shao, Facebook)
- Hive User Group Presentation from Netflix (Eva Tse and Jerome Boulon, Netflix)
- Hive Paper and Presentation at ICDE 2010, Long Beach, California (Raghotham Murthy and Namit Jain)
- Hive Presentation at QCon Nov 2009 (Ashish Thusoo and Namit Jain, Facebook)
- Hive Training – Motivations and Real World Use Cases, (Ning Zhang, Facebook, at Cloudera’s training session)
- User Defined Table Generating Functions, (Paul Yang, Facebook)
- Hive Anatomy – System & Pseudo-code level Architecture Review, (Ning Zhang, internal presentations, Facebook)
- Rethinking the Data Warehouse with Hadoop and Hive (Ashish Thusoo, Facebook at Hadoop World NYC 2009)
- Hive User Group Meeting August 2009, (Facebook)
- Hive Object Model, (Zheng Shao, Facebook)
- Hive: VLDB 2009, Lyon, France (Facebook)
- Hive: Hadoop Summit 2009, Santa Clara, CA, USA (Namit Jain, Zheng Shao, Facebook)
- Data Warehousing & Analytics on Hadoop, Percon Conference, Santa Clara, CA, USA (Ashish Thusoo, Prasad Chakka, Facebook)
- Large Scale Data Processing using commodity SW/HW, IIT-Delhi CS Dept., (Joydeep Sen Sarma, Facebook)
- An Introduction to Hive, Jeff Hammerbacher, Facebook
- Hive: Data Warehousing Analytics on Hadoop, UC Berkeley, (Joydeep Sarma, Namit Jain, Zheng Shao, Facebook)
- Hive: Data Warehousing with Hadoop, NYC Hadoop User Meetup (Jeff Hammerbacher, Cloudera)
- Facebook and Open Source, UIUC, (Zheng Shao, Facebook)
- Hive ApacheCon 2008, New Oreleans, LA (Ashish Thusoo, Facebook)
Related Work
- Processing Theta-Joins using MapReduce (A. Okcan, M. Riedewald)
- Optimizing Joins in a Map-Reduce Environment (F. Afrati, J. Ullman)
- Efficient Parallel Set-Similarity Joins Using MapReduce (R. Vernica, M. Carey, C. Li)
- A Comparison of Join Algorithms for Log Processing in MapReduce (S. Blanas, J. Patel, V. Ercegovac, J. Rao, E. Shekita, Y. Tian)
- HadoopDB: An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads (A. Abouzeid, K. Bajda-Pawlikowski, D. Abadi, A. Silberschatz, A. Rasin)
- Tenzing: A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework
- Building a High-Level Dataflow System on top of Map-Reduce: The Pig Experience
- YSmart: Yet Another SQL-to-MapReduce Translator (R. Lee, T. Luo, Y. Huai, F. Wang, Y. He, X. Zhang)
- Query Optimization Using Column Statistics in Hive (A. Gruenheid, E. Omiecinski, L. Mark)
attachments/27362054/28016657.pdf (application/pdf)
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