Apache Hive : HiveServer2 Overview


HiveServer2 (HS2) is a service that enables clients to execute queries against Hive. HiveServer2 is the successor to HiveServer1 which has been deprecated. HS2 supports multi-client concurrency and authentication. It is designed to provide better support for open API clients like JDBC and ODBC.

HS2 is a single process running as a composite service, which includes the Thrift-based Hive service (TCP or HTTP) and a Jetty web server for web UI. 

HS2 Architecture

The Thrift-based Hive service is the core of HS2 and responsible for servicing the Hive queries (e.g., from Beeline). Thrift is an RPC framework for building cross-platform services. Its stack consists of 4 layers: Server, Transport, Protocol, and Processor. You can find more details about the layers at https://thrift.apache.org/docs/concepts.

The usage of those layers in the HS2 implementation is described below.


HS2 uses a TThreadPoolServer (from Thrift) for TCP mode, or a Jetty server for the HTTP mode. 

The TThreadPoolServer allocates one worker thread per TCP connection. Each thread is always associated with a connection even if the connection is idle. So there is a potential performance issue resulting from a large number of threads due to a large number of concurrent connections. In the future HS2 might switch to another server type for TCP mode, for example TThreadedSelectorServer. Here is an article about a performance comparison between different Thrift Java servers.  


HTTP mode is required when a proxy is needed between the client and server (for example, for load balancing or security reasons). That is why it is supported, as well as TCP mode. You can specify the transport mode of the Thrift service through the Hive configuration property hive.server2.transport.mode.


The Protocol implementation is responsible for serialization and deserialization. HS2 is currently using TBinaryProtocol as its Thrift protocol for serialization. In the future other protocols may be considered, such as TCompactProtocol, based on more performance evaluation.


Process implementation is the application logic to handle requests. For example, the ThriftCLIService.ExecuteStatement() method implements the logic to compile and execute a Hive query.

Dependencies of HS2

You can find a diagram of the interactions between HS2 and its dependencies here.

JDBC Client

The JDBC driver is recommended for the client side to interact with HS2. Note that there are some use cases (e.g., Hadoop Hue) where the Thrift client is used directly and JDBC is bypassed.

Here is a sequence of API calls involved to make the first query:

Source Code Description

The following sections help you locate some basic components of HiveServer2 in the source code.

Server Side

Client Side

Interaction between Client and Server


How to set up HS2: Setting Up HiveServer2

HS2 clients: HiveServer2 Clients

User interface:  Web UI for HiveServer2

Metrics:  Hive Metrics

Cloudera blog on HS2: http://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2013/07/how-hiveserver2-brings-security-and-concurrency-to-apache-hive/