Apache Hive : Hive 0.13.1 Release tracking




Given the quickly increasing scope (from a perspective of sheer number of jiras) of hive 0.13, it was important to get hive 0.13 out of the door, and stop accepting patches, and move new development off to 0.14, but we now have need of a 0.13.1 release with major bug fixes only (no feature additions, nothing like refactoring) as a stabilization of 0.13. This page has been created for the purpose of tracking a release of a 0.13.1 release of hive.


Jiras requested after RC0


The list of jiras requested for RC0 of 0.13.1 is now closed. Any further inclusion requests must be a critical bugfix that does not have any workarounds, must have been committed into 0.14 (unless the bug does not affect 0.14) and must be supported by another 2 committers as well for inclusion. Ideally, this table will be blank.


Category JIRA Description Current Status 0.13.1 inclusion requestor 0.13.1 inclusion +1 (2 additional committers)


Jiras requested for RC0

 The following jiras have been requested as part of this release. This list is currently (as of May 2nd 2014 6pm PDT) closed for additions. Please do not make any further edits to this table.


Category JIRA Description Current Status 0.13.1 inclusion requestor
Authorization HIVE-6919 Hive sql std auth select query fails on partitioned tables Committed in 0.14 thejas
Authorization HIVE-6921 Index creation fails with sql std auth turned on Committed in 0.14 ashutoshc
Authorization HIVE-6957 SQL authorization does not work with HS2 binary mode and Kerberos auth Committed in 0.14 thejas
Metastore HIVE-6945 Issues with dropping partitions on Oracle Committed in 0.14 sershe
Metastore HIVE-6862 add DB schema DDL and upgrade 12to13 scripts for MS SQL Server Committed in 0.14 ekoifman
QL HIVE-6883 Dynamic Partitioning Optimization does not honor sort order or order by Committed in 0.14 prasanth_j
QL HIVE-6961 Drop partitions treats partition columns as strings Committed in 0.14 sershe
WebHCat HIVE-4576 WebHCat does not allow values with commas Committed in 0.14 ekoifman
FileFormats HIVE-6952 Hive 0.13 HiveOutputFormat breaks backwards compatibility Committed in 0.14 ashutoshc
Tez HIVE-6826 Hive-tez has issues when different partitions work off of different input types Committed in 0.14 hagleitn
Tez HIVE-6828 Hive-tez bucket map join conversion interferes with map join conversion Committed in 0.14 hagleitn
Tez HIVE-6898 Functions in hive are failing with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException on Tez Committed in 0.14 hagleitn
Parquet HIVE-6783 Incompatible schema for maps between parquet-hive and parquet-pig Committed in 0.14 szehon
QL HIVE-6955 ExprNodeColDesc isSame doesn’t account for tabAlias: this affects trait Propagation in Joins(Tez BucketJoin broken w/o this fix) Committed in 0.14 rhbutani
Test HIVE-6877 TestOrcRawRecordMerger is deleting test.tmp.dir(Note: Test fix, but included because it makes validation of release difficult otherwise) Committed in 0.14 amareshwari
Authorization HIVE-6985 sql std auth - privileges grants to public role not being honored Committed in 0.14 thejas
QL HIVE-7001 fs.permissions.umask-mode is getting unset when Session is started Committed in 0.14 thejas




2nd May 2014, 6pm PDT : List of jiras for inclusion closes for open edit, list of jiras for inclusion frozen.

5th May 2014, 6pm PDT : 0.13.1 RC0 generation process begins, all jiras from above list have been tested to cleanly apply (or have had 0.13 backports requested which then cleanly apply), and patches are ready to commit to 0.13 branch

5th May 2014, 6pm PDT : JIRA queried for open non-blockers for 0.13.1, and none were found. Filter used : project = HIVE AND priority not in (Critical, Major, Minor, Trivial) AND fixVersion = 0.13.1 AND status = Open

5th May 2014, 6pm PDT : dev@hive.apache.org mailed with above information as per HowToRelease instructions. Ptest tests kicked off on RC0 patch.

6th May 2014 : Test failures found, analyzing which patches caused the failures. Patch form over at http://people.apache.org/~khorgath/releases/0.13.1_RC0/

7th May 2014 : Test results analyzed: found the following issues caused:

Failure Patch Cause Resoultion
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver_nullformatCTAS HIVE-6945 Table properties map order change, golden files differ Regenerated test golden files
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver_show_create_table_alter " "
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver_show_tblproperties " "
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestCliDriver.testCliDriver_unset_table_view_property " "
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestNegativeCliDriver.testNegativeCliDriver_unset_table_property " "
org.apache.hive.service.cli.TestScratchDir.testLocalScratchDirs HIVE-6846 Test error, incorrect expectation, not a product problem, test fixed in trunk Ignored
org.apache.hadoop.hive.cli.TestMinimrCliDriver.testCliDriver_bucketmapjoin6 HIVE-6826 Flaky test, succeeds on rerunning Ignored


8th May 2014 : Patches committed to 0.13 branch

(tentative) 8th May 2014 : RC0 generation