Apache Hive : Datasketches Integration

Apache DataSketches (https://datasketches.apache.org/) is integrated into Hive via HIVE-22939.
This enables various kind of sketch operations thru regular sql statement.

Sketch functions

Naming convention

All sketch functions are registered using the following naming convention:


For example we have a function called: ds_hll_estimate which could be used to estimate the distinct values from an hll sketch.


For detailed info about the sketches themself please refer to the datasketches site!


name description
sketch generates sketch data from input
estimate computes the estimate for frequency related sketches
union aggregate function to merge multiple sketches
union_f unions 2 sketches given in the arguments
n number of elements
cdf cumulative distribution
rank estimates the rank of the given element; returns a value in the range of 0~1
intersect aggregate to intersect multiple sketches
intersect_f intersect 2 sketches given in the arguments
stringify returns the the sketch in a more readable form

List declared sketch functions

Given that we have ~60 functions registered I would recommend to also consider listing/getting info about a single udf.

You could list all functions prefixed by ds_ using:

show functions like ‘ds_%';

And you can access the description of a function like:

desc function ds_freq_sketch;

Integration with materialized views

Sketch aggregation(s) are exposed to Calcite by some extensions - which could enable both the usage of an MV in a smaller dimension query; or could help in incremental updates.

BI mode

Usage of sketches can give a performance boost in case we could afford to loose some accuracy. Which could come very handy in case of charts or live dashboards.
The BI mode is about making rewrites automatically to sketch functions if possible.

The BI mode can be enabled using:

set hive.optimize.bi.enabled=true;


This feature can be toggled using the hive.optimize.bi.rewrite.countdistinct.enabled conf key

The used distinct sketch family can be configured using: hive.optimize.bi.rewrite.countdistinct.sketch (currently only hll is available).

This feature could rewrite

select category, count(distinct id) from sketch\_input group by category

to use a distinct count sketch to answer the query by rewriting it to

select category, round(ds\_hll\_estimate(ds\_hll\_sketch(id))) from sketch\_input

Rewrite percentile_disc(p) withing group(order by x)

This feature can be toggled using thehive.optimize.bi.rewrite.percentile_disc.enabled conf key

The used histogram sketch family can be configured using: hive.optimize.bi.rewrite.percentile_disc.sketch (currently only kll is available).

This feature could rewrite

select percentile\_disc(0.3) within group(order by id) from sketch\_input

to use a histogram sketch to answer the query by rewriting to

select ds\_kll\_quantile(ds\_kll\_sketch(id), 0.3) from sketch\_input

Rewrite cume_dist() over (order by id)

This feature can be toggled using the**hive.optimize.bi.rewrite.cume_dist.enabled** conf key

The used histogram sketch family can be configured using: hive.optimize.bi.rewrite.cume_dist.sketch (currently only kll is available).

select id,cume\_dist() over (order by id) from sketch\_input

to use a histogram sketch to answer the query by rewriting to

SELECT id, CAST(DS\_KLL\_RANK(t2.sketch, idVal) AS DOUBLE) 
FROM (SELECT id, CAST(COALESCE(CAST(id AS FLOAT), 340282346638528860000000000000000000000) AS FLOAT) AS idVal FROM sketch\_input) AS t,
(SELECT DS\_KLL\_SKETCH(CAST(`id` AS FLOAT)) AS `sketch` FROM sketch\_input) AS t2

Rewrite NTILE

This feature can be toggled using the hive.optimize.bi.rewrite.ntile.enabled conf key

The used histogram sketch family can be configured using: hive.optimize.bi.rewrite.ntile.sketch (currently only kll is available).

This feature can rewrite

select id,
       ntile(4) over (order by id
from sketch\_input
order by id

To use a histogram sketch to calculate the NTILE’s value:

select id,
        case when ceil(ds\_kll\_cdf(ds, CAST(id AS FLOAT) )[0]*4) < 1 then 1 else ceil(ds\_kll\_cdf(ds, CAST(id AS FLOAT) )[0]*4) end
from sketch\_input
join ( select ds\_kll\_sketch(cast(id as float)) as ds from sketch\_input ) q
order by id

select id,
                rank() over (order by id),
                case when ds\_kll\_n(ds) < (ceil(ds\_kll\_rank(ds, CAST(id AS FLOAT) )*ds\_kll\_n(ds))+1) then ds\_kll\_n(ds) else (ceil(ds\_kll\_rank(ds, CAST(id AS FLOAT) )*ds\_kll\_n(ds))+1) end

Rewrite RANK

This feature can be toggled using the hive.optimize.bi.rewrite.rank.enabled conf key

The used histogram sketch family can be configured using: hive.optimize.bi.rewrite.rank.sketch (currently only kll is available).

select id,
       rank() over (order by id)
from sketch\_input
order by id

is rewritten to

select id,
       case when ds\_kll\_n(ds) < (ceil(ds\_kll\_rank(ds, CAST(id AS FLOAT) )*ds\_kll\_n(ds))+1) then ds\_kll\_n(ds) else (ceil(ds\_kll\_rank(ds, CAST(id AS FLOAT) )*ds\_kll\_n(ds))+1) end
from sketch\_input
join ( select ds\_kll\_sketch(cast(id as float)) as ds from sketch\_input ) q
order by id


Simple distinct counting examples using HLL

create table sketch\_input (id int, category char(1))
TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true');

insert into table sketch\_input values
  (1,'a'),(1, 'a'), (2, 'a'), (3, 'a'), (4, 'a'), (5, 'a'), (6, 'a'), (7, 'a'), (8, 'a'), (9, 'a'), (10, 'a'),
  (6,'b'),(6, 'b'), (7, 'b'), (8, 'b'), (9, 'b'), (10, 'b'), (11, 'b'), (12, 'b'), (13, 'b'), (14, 'b'), (15, 'b')
-- build sketches per category
create temporary table sketch\_intermediate (category char(1), sketch binary);
insert into sketch\_intermediate select category, ds\_hll\_sketch(id) from sketch\_input group by category;

-- get unique count estimates per category
select category, ds\_hll\_estimate(sketch) from sketch\_intermediate;

-- union sketches across categories and get overall unique count estimate
select ds\_hll\_estimate(ds\_hll\_union(sketch)) from sketch\_intermediate;
select category, ds\_hll\_estimate(ds\_hll\_sketch(id)) from sketch\_input group by category;
select ds\_hll\_estimate(ds\_hll\_sketch(id)) from sketch\_input;
set hive.optimize.bi.enabled=true;
select category,count(distinct id) from sketch\_input group by category;
select count(distinct id) from sketch\_input;
-- create an MV to store precomputed HLL values
create  materialized view mv\_1 as
  select category, ds\_hll\_sketch(id) from sketch\_input group by category;

set hive.optimize.bi.enabled=true;
select category,count(distinct id) from sketch\_input group by category;
select count(distinct id) from sketch\_input;