Apache Hive : Committed jiras for 1.2.1
List of JIRAs committed in branch-1.2 for 1.2.1
This is a list of jiras that were initially intended for 1.2.1, but were not finished in time for 1.2.1. They might be included in 1.2.2 if they satisfy rules for inclusion into 1.2.2 (See parent page on Hive 1.2 Release Status), but otherwise, should be tracked for 1.3 onwards.
Category | JIRA | Current Status in branch-1.2 | Committerrequesting inclusion |
Tez | HIVE-10551 - OOM when running query_89 with vectorization on & hybridgrace=false Resolved | open | sseth |
QL | HIVE-10566 - LLAP: Vector row extraction allocates new extractors per process method call instead of just once Resolved | open | mmccline |
Hive with TDE | HIVE-10978 - Document fs.trash.interval wrt Hive and HDFS Encryption Open | No source code changes butshould be in rel notes | |
QL | HIVE-11028 - Tez: table self join and join with another table fails with IndexOutOfBoundsException Closed | committed in 1.2.2/1.3 | jdere |
List of JIRAs committed in branch-1.2 for 1.2.1
This is to be a list of jiras that were initially intended for 1.2, but cannot be finished in time for 1.2.0, and are not blockers/outages but desired in 1.2 nonetheless. They are currently being considered for 1.2.1.
In general, now that 1.2.0 has been voted on and in the process of releasing, committers may add more jiras to this list and commit patches to branch-1.2 again, pursuant to the following rules:
- Restriction : No commits that introduce any major features, any public API changes or metastore table changes on branch-1.2.
- To commit to branch-1.2, the patch must have already been committed to master, and passed tests there, unless the jira is specific to branch-1.2, in which case, please cc the release manager as a watcher on the jira, and make a comment there tagging them.
- It should have been added to this list
Category | JIRA | Current Status in branch-1.2 | Committerrequesting inclusion |
Tez | HIVE-10559 - IndexOutOfBoundsException with RemoveDynamicPruningBySize Closed | committed | hagleitn |
QL | HIVE-10565 - LLAP: Native Vector Map Join doesn’t handle filtering and matching on LEFT OUTER JOIN repeated key correctly Closed | committed | hagleitn |
Vectorization | HIVE-10628 - Incorrect result when vectorized native mapjoin is enabled using null safe operators <=> Resolved | committed | hagleitn |
Unit Tests | HIVE-10563 - MiniTezCliDriver tests ordering issues Resolved | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Optimizer | HIVE-10107 - Union All : Vertex missing stats resulting in OOM and in-efficient plans Resolved | committed | mmokhtar |
Build | HIVE-10675 - Provide option to skip Accumulo related Hive tests in itests directory Resolved | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Schematool | HIVE-10659 - Beeline command which contains semi-colon as a non-command terminator will fail Resolved | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Unit Tests | HIVE-10664 - Unit tests run fail in windows because of illegal escape character in file path Resolved | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Metastore | HIVE-10690 - ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception in MetaStoreDirectSql.aggrColStatsForPartitions() Resolved | committed | vgumashta |
SerDe | HIVE-10672 - Analyze command on a table using row format serde JsonSerDe fails with NoClassDefFoundError Resolved | committed | jdere |
UnitTests | HIVE-10696 - TestAddResource tests are non-portable Resolved | committed | hsubramaniyan |
ACID | HIVE-11006 - improve logging wrt ACID module Closed | Committed to master, branch-1.2,branch-1 | ekoifman |
SQL | HIVE-10776 - Schema on insert for bucketed tables throwing NullPointerException Resolved | Committed to 1.3.0,1.2.1 | ekoifman |
SQL | HIVE-10828 - Insert with schema and dynamic partitions NullPointerException Resolved | Committed to 1.3.0,1.2.1 | ekoifman |
SQL | HIVE-10934 - Restore support for DROP PARTITION PURGE Resolved | ||
Committed | ekoifman | Hive with TDE | |
Hive with TDE | HIVE-10630 - Renaming tables across encryption zones renames table even though the operation throws error Resolved | Committed to 1.3.0,1.2.1 | ekoifman |
Hive with TDE | HIVE-10629 - Dropping table in an encrypted zone does not drop warehouse directory Resolved | Committed to 1.3.0,1.2.1 | ekoifman |
Hive with TDE | HIVE-10658 - Insert with values clause may expose data that should be encrypted Resolved | Committed to 1.3.0,1.2.1 | ekoifman |
Hive with TDE | HIVE-10747 - Enable the cleanup of side effect for the Encryption related qfile test Resolved | Committed to 1.3.0,1.2.1 | fred |
WebHCat | HIVE-10858 - WebHCat specific resources should be added to HADOOP_CLASSPATH first Resolved | Committed to 1.3.0,1.2.1 | ekoifman |
WebHCat | HIVE-10605 - Make hive version number update automatically in webhcat-default.xml during hive tar generation Resolved | Committed to 1.3.0,1.2.1 | ekoifman |
WebHCat | HIVE-10992 - WebHCat should not create delegation tokens when Kerberos is not enabled Resolved | Committed 1.2.1,master,branch-1 | ekoifman |
QL | HIVE-10704 - Errors in Tez HashTableLoader when estimated table size is 0 Resolved | committed | jdere |
QL | HIVE-10711 - Tez HashTableLoader attempts to allocate more memory than available when HIVECONVERTJOINNOCONDITIONALTASKTHRESHOLD exceeds process max mem Resolved | committed | jdere |
Query Planning | HIVE-10327 - Remove ExprNodeNullDesc Closed | committed | ashutoshc |
Query Planning | HIVE-10636 - CASE comparison operator rotation optimization Closed | committed | ashutoshc |
QL | HIVE-10606 - Divide by zero error in HybridHashTableContainer Resolved | committed | jdere |
SerDe | HIVE-10679 - JsonSerde ignores varchar and char size limit specified during table creation Resolved | committed | jdere |
Export/Import | HIVE-10727 - Import throws error message “org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolException: Required field ‘filesAdded’ is unset!” Resolved | committed | sushanth |
HS2 | HIVE-10528 - Hiveserver2 in HTTP mode is not applying auth_to_local rules Resolved | committed | vgumashta |
Query Planning | HIVE-10627 - Queries fail with Failed to breakup Windowing invocations into Groups Resolved | committed | jpullokk |
Query Planning | HIVE-10686 - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException for query with rank() over(partition …) Resolved | committed | jpullokk |
Tests | HIVE-10724 - WebHCat e2e test TestStreaming_5 fails on Windows Resolved | committed | sushanth |
WebHCat | HIVE-10760 - Templeton: HCatalog Get Column for Non-existent column returns Server Error (500) rather than Not Found(404) Resolved | committed | sushanth |
QL | HIVE-10829 - ATS hook fails for explainTask Resolved | committed | hagleitn |
HiveServer2 | HIVE-9842 - Enable session/operation timeout by default in HiveServer2 Resolved | committed | vgumashta |
ATS | HIVE-10829 - ATS hook fails for explainTask Resolved | committed | hagleitn |
Stats | HIVE-10840 - NumberFormatException while running analyze table partition compute statics query Resolved | ||
committed | hagleitn | ||
Tests | HIVE-10839 - TestHCatLoaderEncryption.* tests fail in windows because of path related issues Resolved | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Beeline | HIVE-10753 - hs2 jdbc url - wrong connection string cause error on beeline/jdbc/odbc client, misleading message Resolved | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Test Framework | HIVE-10768 - In QTestGenTask.execute() we should not throw an exception right away if we are unable to clean any old files Resolved | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Metastore | HIVE-10801 - ‘drop view’ fails throwing java.lang.NullPointerException Resolved | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Authorization | HIVE-10678 - update sql standard authorization configuration whitelist - more optimization flags Resolved | committed | thejas |
Authorization | HIVE-10843 - desc database and show tables commands don’t pass db to HiveAuthorizer check Resolved | committed | thejas |
Authorization | HIVE-10689 - HS2 metadata api calls should use HiveAuthorizer interface for authorization Resolved | committed | thejas |
Vectorization | HIVE-10244 - Vectorization : TPC-DS Q80 fails with java.lang.ClassCastException when hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled is enabled Resolved | committed | hagleitn |
Test | HIVE-10862 - TestHiveAuthorizerShowFilters tests fail when run in sequence Resolved | committed | thejas |
Authorization | HIVE-9828 - Semantic analyzer does not capture view parent entity for tables referred in view with union all Resolved | committed | thejas |
Authorization | HIVE-10875 - Select query with view in subquery adds underlying table as direct input Resolved | committed | thejas |
Tests | HIVE-10892 - TestHCatClient should not accept external metastore param from -Dhive.metastore.uris Resolved | committed | sushanth |
Tests | HIVE-10919 - Windows: create table with JsonSerDe failed via beeline unless you add hcatalog core jar to classpath Closed | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Tests | HIVE-10887 - TestCliDriver tests ordering issues with Mac and CentOS Closed | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Tests | HIVE-10705 - Update tests for HIVE-9302 after removing binaries Closed | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Metastore | HIVE-10925 - Non-static threadlocals in metastore code can potentially cause memory leak Resolved | committed | vgumashta |
Hiveserver2 | HIVE-10922 - In HS2 doAs=false mode, file system related errors in one query causes other failures Resolved | committed | thejas |
Tests | HIVE-10877 - TestUtil class name confuses ptest2 Resolved | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Tez/HiveServer2 | HIVE-10736 - HiveServer2 shutdown of cached tez app-masters is not clean Closed | committed | Vikram |
UDF/HiveServer2 | HIVE-10453 - HS2 leaking open file descriptors when using UDFs Closed | committed | vgumashta |
Tez | HIVE-10929 - In Tez mode,dynamic partitioning query with union all fails at moveTask,Invalid partition key & values Closed | committed | vgumashta |
Accumulo | HIVE-10857 - Accumulo storage handler fail throwing java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot determine SASL mechanism for token class: class org.apache.accumulo.core.client.security.tokens.PasswordToken Resolved | committed | sushanth |
QueryPlan | HIVE-10957 - QueryPlan’s start time is incorrect in certain cases Resolved | committed | thejas |
Authorization | HIVE-10967 - add mapreduce.job.tags to sql std authorization config whitelist Resolved | committed | thejas |
encryption | HIVE-10910 - Alter table drop partition queries in encrypted zone failing to remove data from HDFS Resolved | committed | eugene/thejas |
Tests | HIVE-10949 - Disable hive-minikdc tests in Windows Closed | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Hiveserver2 | HIVE-10968 - Windows: analyze json table via beeline failed throwing Class org.apache.hive.hcatalog.data.JsonSerDe not found Closed | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Query Planning | HIVE-10874 - Fail in TestMinimrCliDriver.testCliDriver_ql_rewrite_gbtoidx_cbo_2.q due to duplicate column name Resolved | committed | jpullokk |
Query Planning | HIVE-10811 - RelFieldTrimmer throws NoSuchElementException in some cases Resolved | committed | jpullokk |
HS2 HTTP mode | HIVE-11001 - HS2 http cookie mode does not honor doAs url parameter Resolved | committed | thejas |
ORC | HIVE-10685 - Alter table concatenate oparetor will cause duplicate data Resolved | committed | prasanthj |
Release | HIVE-10684 - Fix the unit test failures for HIVE-7553 after HIVE-10674 removed the binary jar files Resolved | committed | sushanth |
Metastore | HIVE-11023 - Disable directSQL if datanucleus.identifierFactory = datanucleus2 Resolved | committed | sushanth |
Release | HIVE-10674 - jars should not be checked in to the source control repo Resolved | resolved | sushanth |
Release | HIVE-11047 - Update versions of branch-1.2 to 1.2.1 Resolved | committed | sushanth |
Tests | HIVE-11041 - Update tests for HIVE-9302 after removing binaries Resolved | committed | hsubramaniyan |
Tez | HIVE-10746 - Hive 1.2.0+Tez produces 1-byte FileSplits from mapred.TextInputFormat Closed | committed | hagleitn |
Tests | HIVE-11050 - testCliDriver_vector_outer_join.* failures in Unit tests due to unstable data creation queries Resolved | committed | mmccline |
Test | HIVE-11066 - Ensure tests don’t share directories on FS Resolved | committed | ekoifman |