Apache Hive : Apache Hive 4.0.X
- Overview of Major Changes
- ChangeLog
- Introduction to Apache Hive
- Building from Source
- Installing Hive
- HiveServer2 Overview
- HiveServer2 Clients
- AdminManual Metastore 3.0+ Administration
- Supported Features: Apache Hive 3.1+
- Hive Metrics
- HiveCounters
- Hive APIs Overview
- UDFs
- Operators
- Hive-Iceberg Integration
- Accumulo Integration
- Druid Integration
- Kudu Integration
- Hive Transactions (HIVE ACID)
- JDBC Storage Handler
- Materialized Views
- Hive Replication
- Streaming Data Ingest V2
- Configuration Defaults
- HiveDeveloperFAQ
- Books, Blogs & Talks