Apache Hive : Supported Features: Apache Hive 2.1

Identifier Description Hive 2.1 Comment
E011 Numeric data types Yes
E011-01 INTEGER and SMALLINT data types (including all spellings) Yes Int instead of Integer
E011-02 REAL, DOUBLE PRECISON,and FLOAT data types Yes Double instead of Double Precision
E011-03 DECIMAL and NUMERIC data types Yes
E011-04 Arithmetic operators Yes
E011-05 Numeric comparison Yes
E011-06 Implicit casting among the numeric data types Yes
E021 Character data types Yes
E021-01 CHARACTER data type Yes Char instead of Character
E021-02 CHARACTER VARYING data type Yes Varchar instead of Character Varying
E021-03 Character literals Yes
E021-04 CHARACTER_LENGTH function Partial length UDF provided
E021-06 SUBSTRING function Yes
E021-07 Character concatenation Yes concat UDF instead of standard
E021-08 UPPER and LOWER functions Yes
E021-09 TRIM function Partial leading / trailing / both from not supported
E021-10 Implicit casting among the fixed-length and variablelength character string types Yes
E021-12 Character comparison Yes
E031 Identifiers Yes
E031-01 Delimited identifiers Partial Backtick (`) used instead of ("). Semicolon character (;) cannot be used in an identifier. Table and column names have additional restrictions
E031-03 Trailing underscore Yes
E051 Basic query specification Yes
E051-02 GROUP BY clause Partial Empty grouping sets not supported
E051-04 GROUP BY can contain columns not in Yes
E051-05 Select list items can be renamed Yes
E051-06 HAVING clause Yes
E051-07 Qualified * in select list Yes
E051-08 Correlation names in the FROM clause Yes
E061 Basic predicates and search conditions Yes
E061-01 Comparison predicate Yes
E061-02 BETWEEN predicate Yes
E061-03 IN predicate with list of values Yes
E061-04 LIKE predicate Yes
E061-06 NULL predicate Yes
E061-08 EXISTS predicate Yes
E061-11 Subqueries in IN predicate Yes
E061-13 Correlated subqueries Partial Only correlated subqueries that can be decorrelated with rewrite rules supported
E071 Basic query expressions Yes
E071-01 UNION DISTINCT table operator Partial Corresponding By syntax not supported
E071-02 UNION ALL table operator Partial Corresponding By syntax not supported
E071-05 Columns combined via table operators need not have exactly the same data type. Yes
E071-06 Table operators in subqueries Yes
E081 Basic Privileges Yes
E081-01 SELECT privilege Yes
E081-03 INSERT privilege at the table level Yes
E081-04 UPDATE privilege at the table level Yes
E091 Set Functions Yes
E091-01 AVG Yes
E091-02 COUNT Yes
E091-03 MAX Yes
E091-04 MIN Yes
E091-05 SUM Yes
E091-07 DISTINCT quantifier Yes
E101 Basic data manipulation Yes
E101-01 INSERT statement Yes
E101-03 Searched UPDATE statement Yes
E101-04 Searched DELETE statement Yes
E131 Null value support (nulls in lieu of values) Partial Null specification is supported
E141 Basic integrity constraints Yes
E141-03 PRIMARY KEY constraints Partial Non-validated
E141-04 Basic FOREIGN KEY constraint with the NO ACTION default for both referential delete action and referential update action Partial Non-validated
E141-10 Names in a foreign key can be specified in any order Yes
E151 Transaction support Partial Autocommit transaction for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
E161 SQL comments using leading double minus Yes
F031 Basic schema manipulation Yes
F031-01 CREATE TABLE statement to create persistent base tables Yes
F031-02 CREATE VIEW statement Yes
F031-03 GRANT statement Yes
F031-04 ALTER TABLE statement: ADD COLUMN clause Yes
F031-13 DROP TABLE statement: RESTRICT clause Yes
F031-16 DROP VIEW statement: RESTRICT clause Yes
F041 Basic joined table Yes
F041-01 Inner join (but not necessarily the INNER keyword) Yes Named columns join not supported
F041-02 INNER keyword Yes
F041-05 Outer joins can be nested Yes
F041-07 The inner table in a left or right outer join can also be used in an inner join Yes
F051 Basic date and time Yes
F051-01 DATE data type (including support of DATE literal) Yes
F051-03 TIMESTAMP data type (including support of TIMES- TAMP literal) with fractional seconds precision of at least 0 and 6. Yes
F051-04 Comparison predicate on DATE, TIME, and TIMES- TAMP data types Yes
F051-05 Explicit CAST between date- time types and character string types Yes
F052 Intervals and datetime arithmetic Yes
F081 UNION and EXCEPT in views Partial UNION only
F131 Grouped operations Yes
F131-01 WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses supported in queries with grouped views Yes
F131-02 Multiple tables supported in queries with grouped views Yes
F131-03 Set functions supported in queries with grouped views Yes
F131-04 Subqueries with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses and grouped views Yes
F171 Multiple schemas per user Yes
F200 TRUNCATE TABLE statement Yes
F201 CAST function Yes
F261 CASE expression Yes
F261-01 Simple CASE Yes
F261-02 Searched CASE Yes
F261-04 COALESCE Yes
F311-02 CREATE TABLE for persistent base tables Yes
F311-05 GRANT statement Yes
F382 Alter column data type Yes Uses nonstandard syntax
F391 Long identifiers Yes
F401 Extended joined table Yes
F401-04 CROSS JOIN Yes
F403 Partitioned join tables Yes
F531 Temporary tables Yes
F555 Enhanced seconds precision Yes
F561 Full value expressions Yes
F591 Derived tables Yes
F641 Row and table constructors Yes
F651 Catalog name qualifiers Yes
F846 Octet support in regular expression operators Yes
F847 Nonconstant regular expressions Yes
F850 Top-level in Yes
F851 in subqueries Yes
F852 Top-level in views Yes
F855 Nested in Yes
S023 Basic structured types Yes
S091 Basic array support Yes
S091-01 Arrays of built-in data types Yes
S091-02 Arrays of distinct types Yes
S098 ARRAY_AGG Partial collect_list does the same
S201-01 Array parameters Yes
S281 Nested collection types Yes
T021 BINARY and VARBINARY data types Partial BINARY only
T031 BOOLEAN data type Yes
T051 Row types Yes
T071 BIGINT data type Yes
T121 WITH (excluding RECURSIVE) in query expression Yes
T122 WITH (excluding RECURSIVE) in subquery Yes
T172 AS subquery clause in table definition Yes
T326 Table functions Yes
T331 Basic roles Yes
T431 Extended grouping capabilities Partial Grouping sets need to be extracted manually from a bitmask
T433 Multiargument GROUPING function Yes
T441 ABS and MOD functions Partial ABS provided, MOD provided via % operator
T501 Enhanced EXISTS predicate Yes
T581 Regular expression substring function Yes
T611 Elementary OLAP operations Yes
T612 Advanced OLAP operations Partial PERCENT_RANK, CUME_DIST and ROW_NUMBER supported
T613 Sampling Yes Nonstandard syntax via TABLESAMPLE
T614 NTILE function Yes
T615 LEAD and LAG functions Yes
T616 Null treatment option for LEAD and LAG functions Yes
T617 FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE functions Yes
T621 Enhanced numeric functions Yes
T631 IN predicate with one list element Yes