Space Details:
Available Pages:
- AdminManual
- AdminManual Configuration
- AdminManual Installation
- AdminManual Metastore Administration
- AdminManual SettingUpHiveServer
- AuthDev
- CompressedStorage
- Design
- DesignDocs
- AccessServer Design Proposal
- Binary DataType Proposal
- Column Statistics in Hive
- Correlation Optimizer
- Cost-based optimization in Hive
- DynamicPartitions
- GroupByWithRollup
- Hive on Spark
- Hive on Spark: Join Design Master
- Hive on Tez
- HiveReplicationDevelopment
- HiveServer2 Thrift API
- Hybrid Hybrid Grace Hash Join, v1.0
- IndexDev
- Links
- ListBucketing
- Locking
- MapJoin and Partition Pruning
- OuterJoinBehavior
- PartitionedViews
- Skewed Join Optimization
- Spatial queries
- Theta Join
- Top K Stats
- Transitivity on predicate pushdown
- Type Qualifiers in Hive
- Vectorized Query Execution
- ViewDev
- HiveReplicationv2Development
- Subqueries in SELECT
- Query Results Caching (HIVE-18513)
- Default Constraint (HIVE-18726)
- Hive remote databases/tables
- Different TIMESTAMP types
- HIVE-24543: Support SAML 2.0 authentication mode
- DeveloperGuide
- DeveloperGuide UDTF
- Development ContributorsMeetings
- Development ContributorsMeetings HiveContributorsMinutes100601
- Development ContributorsMeetings HiveContributorsMinutes100706
- Development ContributorsMeetings HiveContributorsMinutes100808
- Development ContributorsMeetings HiveContributorsMinutes100913
- Development ContributorsMeetings HiveContributorsMinutes101025
- Development ContributorsMeetings HiveContributorsMinutes110425
- DownloadTest
- User FAQ
- FilterPushdownDev
- GenericUDAFCaseStudy
- GettingStarted
- GettingStarted EclipseSetup
- HBaseBulkLoad
- HBaseIntegration
- HiveAws
- HiveAws HivingS3nRemotely
- HiveClient
- HiveContributorsMinutes100601
- HiveContributorsMinutes100706
- HiveDerbyServerMode
- HiveJDBCInterface
- HiveODBC
- HivePlugins
- HiveQL
- HiveServer
- HiveWebInterface
- Home
- AboutThisWiki
- AccumuloIntegration
- AdminManual Metastore 3.0 Administration
- Apache Hive 4.0.X
- Books, Blogs & Talks
- Building Hive from Source
- ChangeLog
- Copy of Hive Schema Tool - [TODO: move it under a 4.0 admin manual page, find a proper name]
- Hive Configurations
- Hive-Iceberg Integration
- Hive Operators
- Hive Transactions (Hive ACID)
- Hive UDFs
- Introduction to Apache Hive
- Manual Installation
- Materialized views in Hive
- Overview of Major Changes
- Setting Up Hive with Docker
- Apache Hive SQL Conformance
- AvroSerDe
- Books about Hive
- Bylaws
- CSV Serde
- Dependent Tables
- DeveloperDocs
- Druid Integration
- Enabling gRPC in Hive/Hive Metastore (Proposal)
- Fix Hive Unit Tests on Hadoop 2 - HIVE-3949
- Hadoop-compatible Input-Output Format for Hive
- Hive 0.13 release status
- Hive 0.14 release status
- Hive 1.2 Release Status
- HiveAmazonElasticMapReduce
- Hive APIs Overview
- Hive Aws EMR
- HiveCounters
- HiveDeveloperFAQ
- Hive Metadata Caching Proposal
- Hive on Spark: Getting Started
- Hive PMC Social Media Creds
- Hive PreCommit Patch Testing
- Hive PTest2 Infrastructure
- HiveServer2 Clients
- HiveServer2 Overview
- Hive Transactions
- How-to articles
- How to edit the website
- JDBC Storage Handler
- Kudu Integration
- Materialized views
- Metastore TLP Proposal
- OperatorsAndFunctions
- Permission Inheritance in Hive
- PluginDeveloperKit
- Proposed Changes to Hive Project Bylaws - April 2016
- Proposed Changes to Hive Project Bylaws - August 2015
- Query ReExecution
- RCFileCat
- RelatedProjects
- Replication
- StarRocks Integration
- Streaming Data Ingest
- Streaming Data Ingest V2
- Suggestion for DDL Commands in HMS schema upgrade scripts
- Synchronized Metastore Cache
- TeradataBinarySerde
- TestingDocs
- Unit Testing Hive SQL
- Using TiDB as the Hive Metastore database
- Howl
- HowToCommit
- HowToContribute
- HowToRelease
- IndexDev Bitmap
- MapJoinOptimization
- LanguageManual
- LanguageManual Cli
- LanguageManual DDL
- LanguageManual DML
- LanguageManual Select
- LanguageManual Joins
- LanguageManual LateralView
- LanguageManual Union
- LanguageManual SubQueries
- LanguageManual Sampling
- LanguageManual Explain
- LanguageManual VirtualColumns
- Configuration Properties
- LanguageManual ImportExport
- LanguageManual Authorization
- LanguageManual Types
- Literals
- LanguageManual VariableSubstitution
- LanguageManual ORC
- LanguageManual WindowingAndAnalytics
- LanguageManual Indexing
- LanguageManual JoinOptimization
- LanguageManual LZO
- LanguageManual Commands
- Parquet
- Enhanced Aggregation, Cube, Grouping and Rollup
- FileFormats
- Hive HPL/SQL
- LanguageManual Archiving
- LanguageManual GroupBy
- LanguageManual Locks
- LanguageManual SortBy
- LanguageManual Transform
- LanguageManual UDF
- LanguageManual XPathUDF
- HCatalog
- WebHCat
- WebHCat UsingWebHCat
- WebHCat InstallWebHCat
- WebHCat Configure
- WebHCat Reference
- WebHCat Reference ResponseTypes
- WebHCat Reference Status
- WebHCat Reference Version
- WebHCat Reference VersionHive
- WebHCat Reference VersionHadoop
- WebHCat Reference AllDDL
- WebHCat Reference DDL
- WebHCat Reference GetDBs
- WebHCat Reference GetDB
- WebHCat Reference PutDB
- WebHCat Reference DeleteDB
- WebHCat Reference GetTables
- WebHCat Reference GetTable
- WebHCat Reference PutTable
- WebHCat Reference PostTable
- WebHCat Reference DeleteTable
- WebHCat Reference PutTableLike
- WebHCat Reference GetPartitions
- WebHCat Reference GetPartition
- WebHCat Reference PutPartition
- WebHCat Reference DeletePartition
- WebHCat Reference GetColumns
- WebHCat Reference GetColumn
- WebHCat Reference PutColumn
- WebHCat Reference GetProperties
- WebHCat Reference GetProperty
- WebHCat Reference PutProperty
- WebHCat Reference MapReduceStream
- WebHCat Reference MapReduceJar
- WebHCat Reference Pig
- WebHCat Reference Hive
- WebHCat Reference JobIDs
- WebHCat Reference JobInfo
- WebHCat Reference DeleteJob
- WebHCat Reference Jobs
- WebHCat Reference Job
- WebHCat Reference DeleteJobID
- Performance
- PoweredBy
- Presentations
- Roadmap
- Security
- SerDe
- StatisticsAndDataMining
- StatsDev
- StorageHandlers
- TipsForAddingNewTests
- Tutorial