Apache Hive is a community developed project. The list below is a partial list of contributors to the project, for a complete list you would have to look at all contributors to our issue tracker, mailing list and version control.
Hive PMC
Apache username | Name | Organization | Role |
aihuaxu | Aihua Xu | Cloudera | |
anishek | Anishek Agarwal | ||
athusoo | Ashish Thusoo | Qubole | |
ayushsaxena | Ayush Saxena | Cloudera | |
brock | Brock Noland | StreamSets | |
ctang | Chaoyu Tang | Cloudera | |
cws | Carl Steinbach | ||
denys | Denys Kuzmenko | Cloudera | |
daijy | Daniel Dai | Hortonworks | |
ecapriolo | Edward Capriolo | ||
gopalv | Gopal Vijayaraghavan | Hortonworks | |
gunther | Gunther Hagleitner | Hortonworks | |
hashutosh | Ashutosh Chauhan | Hortonworks | |
heyongqiang | Yongqiang He | Dropbox | |
jcamacho | Jesus Camacho Rodriguez | Hortonworks | |
jdere | Jason Dere | Hortonworks | |
jpullokk | Laljo John Pullokkaran | Hortonworks | |
jssarma | Joydeep Sensarma | Qubole | |
jxiang | Jimmy Xiang | Cloudera | |
kevinwilfong | Kevin Wilfong | ||
leftyl | Lefty Leverenz | IBM | |
namit | Namit Jain | Nutanix | |
navis | Navis Ryu | NexR | |
ngangam | Naveen Gangam | Cloudera | VP |
nzhang | Ning Zhang | ||
omalley | Owen O’Malley | ||
prasadm | Prasad Mujumdar | Cloudera | |
prasanth_j | Prasanth Jayachandran | Hortonworks | |
pvary | Peter Vary | Cloudera | |
pxiong | Pengcheng Xiong | Hortonworks | |
rhbutani | Harish Butani | Hortonworks | |
rmurthy | Raghotham Murthy | ||
sershe | Sergey Shelukhin | Hortonworks | |
spena | Sergio Peña | Cloudera | |
sunchao | Chao Sun | Cloudera | |
szehon | Szehon Ho | Cloudera | |
thejas | Thejas Nair | Hortonworks | |
vgumashta | Vaibhav Gumashta | Hortonworks | |
vikram | Vikram Dixit | Hortonworks | |
xuefu | Xuefu Zhang | Alibaba Inc | |
ychena | Yongzhi Chen | Cloudera | |
zabetak | Stamatis Zampetakis | Cloudera |
Hive Committers
Apache username | name | organization |
amareshwari | Amareshwari Sriramadasu | InMobi |
apivovarov | Alexander Pivovarov | Foster City Hadoop Lab LLC |
asherman | Andrew Sherman | Cloudera |
ayushsaxena | Ayush Saxena | Cloudera |
bharos92 | Bharath Krishna | Cloudera |
chengxiang | Chengxiang Li | Intel |
chinnaraol | Chinna Rao Lalam | Intel |
cdrome | Chris Drome | Oath |
difin | Dmitriy Fingerman | Cloudera |
djaiswal | Deepak Jaiswal | Hortonworks |
dmtolpeko | Dmitry Tolpeko | EPAM |
dongc | Dong Chen | Intel |
ehans | Eric Hanson | Microsoft |
gangtimliu | Gang Tim Liu | |
harisankar | Hari Sankar Sivarama Subramaniyan | Hortonworks |
janaki | Janaki Lahorani | Cloudera |
jitendra | Jitendra Pandey | Hortonworks |
kgyrtkirk | Zoltan Haindrich | Hortonworks |
kuczoram | Marta Kuczora | Cloudera |
larsfrancke | Lars Francke | Freelancer |
mithun | Mithun Radhakrishnan | Oath |
mmccline | Matt McCline | Hortonworks |
mohits | Mohit Sabharwal | Cloudera |
okumin | Shohei Okumiya | Treasure Data |
rbalamohan | Rajesh Balamohan | Hortonworks |
remusr | Remus Rusanu | Hortonworks |
sankarh | Sankar Hariappan | Hortonworks |
sbadhya | Sourabh Badhya | Cloudera |
sdong | Siying Dong | |
simhadrig | Simhadri Govindappa | |
sseth | Siddharth Seth | Hortonworks |
szita | Adam Szita | Cloudera |
tchoi | Teddy Choi | Hortonworks |
vgarg | Vineet Garg | Hortonworks |
weiz | Wei Zheng | Hortonworks |
xuf | Ferdinand Xu | Intel |
yhuai | Yin Huai | Databricks |
PMC members are also Hive committers.
Catalog Committers
Apache username | name | organization |
toffer | Francis Christopher Liu | Yahoo! |
avandana | Vandana Ayyalasomayajula | Yahoo! |
travis | Travis Crawford | |
mithun | Mithun Radhakrishnan | Oath |
A list of Hive contributors and their contributions is available from Jira.
Emeritus Hive PMC Members
- Alan Gates
- Dhruba Borthakur
- Prasad Chakka
- Johan Oskarsson
- Zheng Shao
- John Sichi
- Sushanth Sowmyan
- Paul Yang