
Apache Hive is a community developed project. The list below is a partial list of contributors to the project, for a complete list you would have to look at all contributors to our issue tracker, mailing list and version control.

Hive PMC

Apache username Name Organization Role
aihuaxu Aihua Xu Cloudera
anishek Anishek Agarwal
athusoo Ashish Thusoo Qubole
ayushsaxena Ayush Saxena Cloudera
brock Brock Noland StreamSets
ctang Chaoyu Tang Cloudera
cws Carl Steinbach LinkedIn
denys Denys Kuzmenko Cloudera
daijy Daniel Dai Hortonworks
ecapriolo Edward Capriolo
gopalv Gopal Vijayaraghavan Hortonworks
gunther Gunther Hagleitner Hortonworks
hashutosh Ashutosh Chauhan Hortonworks
heyongqiang Yongqiang He Dropbox
jcamacho Jesus Camacho Rodriguez Hortonworks
jdere Jason Dere Hortonworks
jpullokk Laljo John Pullokkaran Hortonworks
jssarma Joydeep Sensarma Qubole
jxiang Jimmy Xiang Cloudera
kevinwilfong Kevin Wilfong Facebook
leftyl Lefty Leverenz IBM
namit Namit Jain Nutanix
navis Navis Ryu NexR
ngangam Naveen Gangam Cloudera VP
nzhang Ning Zhang Facebook
omalley Owen O’Malley LinkedIn
prasadm Prasad Mujumdar Cloudera
prasanth_j Prasanth Jayachandran Hortonworks
pvary Peter Vary Cloudera
pxiong Pengcheng Xiong Hortonworks
rhbutani Harish Butani Hortonworks
rmurthy Raghotham Murthy Facebook
sershe Sergey Shelukhin Hortonworks
spena Sergio Peña Cloudera
sunchao Chao Sun Cloudera
szehon Szehon Ho Cloudera
thejas Thejas Nair Hortonworks
vgumashta Vaibhav Gumashta Hortonworks
vikram Vikram Dixit Hortonworks
xuefu Xuefu Zhang Alibaba Inc
ychena Yongzhi Chen Cloudera
zabetak Stamatis Zampetakis Cloudera

Hive Committers

Apache username name organization
amareshwari Amareshwari Sriramadasu InMobi
apivovarov Alexander Pivovarov Foster City Hadoop Lab LLC
asherman Andrew Sherman Cloudera
ayushsaxena Ayush Saxena Cloudera
bharos92 Bharath Krishna Cloudera
chengxiang Chengxiang Li Intel
chinnaraol Chinna Rao Lalam Intel
cdrome Chris Drome Oath
difin Dmitriy Fingerman Cloudera
djaiswal Deepak Jaiswal Hortonworks
dmtolpeko Dmitry Tolpeko EPAM
dongc Dong Chen Intel
ehans Eric Hanson Microsoft
gangtimliu Gang Tim Liu Facebook
harisankar Hari Sankar Sivarama Subramaniyan Hortonworks
janaki Janaki Lahorani Cloudera
jitendra Jitendra Pandey Hortonworks
kgyrtkirk Zoltan Haindrich Hortonworks
kuczoram Marta Kuczora Cloudera
larsfrancke Lars Francke Freelancer
mithun Mithun Radhakrishnan Oath
mmccline Matt McCline Hortonworks
mohits Mohit Sabharwal Cloudera
okumin Shohei Okumiya Treasure Data
rbalamohan Rajesh Balamohan Hortonworks
remusr Remus Rusanu Hortonworks
sankarh Sankar Hariappan Hortonworks
sbadhya Sourabh Badhya Cloudera
sdong Siying Dong Facebook
simhadrig Simhadri Govindappa
sseth Siddharth Seth Hortonworks
szita Adam Szita Cloudera
tchoi Teddy Choi Hortonworks
vgarg Vineet Garg Hortonworks
weiz Wei Zheng Hortonworks
xuf Ferdinand Xu Intel
yhuai Yin Huai Databricks

PMC members are also Hive committers.

Catalog Committers

Apache username name organization
toffer Francis Christopher Liu Yahoo!
avandana Vandana Ayyalasomayajula Yahoo!
travis Travis Crawford Twitter
mithun Mithun Radhakrishnan Oath


A list of Hive contributors and their contributions is available from Jira.

Emeritus Hive PMC Members