Apache Hive : BecomingACommitter

Becoming A Hive Committer

The Apache Software Foundation defines generic guidelines for what it means to be a committer. However, it leaves the question of whether a particular contributor is ready to become a committer on a project up to the judgement of that project’s PMC. This wiki page attempts to explain what that means for the Hive project.

Committer Zen

Contributors often ask Hive PMC members the question, “What do I need to do in order to become a committer?” The simple (though frustrating) answer to this question is, “If you want to become a committer, behave like a committer.” If you follow this advice, then rest assured that the PMC will notice, and committership will seek you out rather than the other way around. So besides continuing to contribute high-quality code and tests, there are many other things that you should naturally be undertaking as part of getting deeper into the project’s life:

Of course, before becoming a committer, there are certain things you can’t actually do (e.g. commit a patch to source control; cast a binding vote), but the more you participate in the activities which surround these actions, the more ready you will be to eventually carry them out yourself.


The graph below shows monthly patch authorship and commit activity for an actual Hive committer. The blue shows all commits going into Hive from all committers. The orange shows patches authored by this committer, whereas the green shows patches reviewed and committed by him after they were authored by others. (Not shown are reviews he participated in before becoming a committer.)

Commit activity for X from 2008 to 2011

Important points to notice:

The Dark Side

It should go without saying, but here it is anyway: your participation in the project should be a natural part of your work with Hive; if you find yourself undertaking tasks “so that you can become a committer”, then you’re doing it wrong, young padawan. This is particularly true if your motivations for wanting to become a committer are primarily negative or self-centered, e.g.
